August Update

 The Lord is working in Denton! He is moving and turning people towards himself! It has been really sweet to get a sideline view of what God is doing here.

Some encouraging stuff I wanted to share about! 

    First of all, were back on campus and that is really sweet! I have missed the consistency of meeting with students week after week! 

Praying for some students and cops on campus

    Drew and I got to pray for the new president of UNT! We were doing outreach and asking people if they needed prayer and he came up to us and asked for prayer for discernment. He also was prayed over by one of our students too! So cool that the president asked for prayer.

    Our student leader team is so sweet! They have been putting in the time to meet students on campus! We had a corefa retreat a couple weekends ago to rest and prepare well for the year and I think both of those things were accomplished! We met at a camp in southeast texas! Here's some videos from the week.

    Another cool thing is our first large group meeting was this past week. We had almost 300 students show up! Which is crazy and cool. I have been praying that God gives us more people than we know what to do with and this was an answered prayer!

293 people!

I am looking forward to this year and all God is going to do. I am trying my best to not dwell on the inconviences but on the good in this season. 

One of our leader prep days

Elias at daycare

It has been kind of tough recently. Elias has started daycare and it is honestly a lot harder than I expected it to be for Drew and I and him. He's at the point where he knows what it means when we’re dropping him off and he protests it. It is so hard leaving him and not getting to see him all day, everyday. But I know it is good for both of us! We also found out one of our cats has cancer and that is so sad. He is 14 years old which is crazy too. He's been in my life for like half my life! I have also had some friends who are not in a good place mentally and I have not mastered the art of not letting other people's stuff affect me. All of this is even more difficult because of the sleep deprivation. Drew and I are about $700 a month away from where we’d like to be too, so we’d love your prayers for that!

But God is good. If this is my Golgotha, my cross to bear, it's not a really difficult one. I get to hangout with people who are excited to learn more about God! I get share the good news and watch people's hearts get changed. I have the ability to keep my son in daycare while I do the Lord's work on campus. God is good and even when I get bogged down by the little details, God is faithful to remind me of the good of this season. 

Owen and Elias

Elias is obsessed with Madi


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