September Update


Another Month of Ministry! Praise God for all he’s doing and for my own sanity as things get into more of a routine. Elias is doing better at daycare, we’ve figured out a schedule for people watching him and my one on ones are mostly set. The week to week definitely looks different but there’s more of a rhythm. 


I’ve been reflecting on a book called Abbas Child and thinking about living as the Beloved of God this month. I struggle to believe that God really is as good as I know that He is. My own sin and shortcomings feel so large and heavy. I’ve had to constantly remind myself of the truth, that it’s not about my goodness but His. God loves me because I’m his, not because I have it figured out. I am trying to find rest in the truth of his love. 

My small group

I love Elias, not because he’s done anything to deserve it or earn it, but because he’s mine. And I’m Gods. And so are you. He loves you deeply and richly. He sees you and smiles with affection. There’s something about seeing my child that fills me with abiding joy and I choose to believe the same about our father. That he delights in us, just being near and around us. 

I trust in Jesus shaping me into the person he wants me to be. He’s making me new every day and has me right where he needs me to be. 

a trip to San Antonio for my dad's birthday

Watching survivor with some students

We’re gearing up for Fall Retreat and I’m really excited to get to go this year! Last year I was in the hospital with Elias so I missed out on it! (For good reason, but I get fomo) This year I get to come and Elias gets to go to his first Fall Retreat on one of the days! Im excited for longer time all together and getting to know more of the students in our large community. God has blessed us with a lot of growth this year so it’ll be interesting to see the dynamic of that. Be praying that the Lord prepares the hearts of those who come this year!

Kayla said she really needed to hold him 


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