July Update

Our Summer Focus Meeting

 It’s the end of the summer and we’re more moving in to fall! I’m so excited we get to be back on campus so soon. 

This last month has been a lot of prepping for the school year. We’ve asked students to step up and volunteer their time to leading small groups and leading the community in maturity, sharing their faith, abiding in Christ and building up other leaders. It’s such an exciting time thinking about all that God could do this year. I’m not sure how he’s going to show up, but I know he will! God is so faithful!

Two of our aluminas wedding!

Drew got to officiate 

This month I’ve gotten to preach at Denton North Church on the resurrection and that was really neat to sort through and think about. It’s been quite a few months since I’ve preached there, even before we were in a new building. I also preached at Summer Focus on the good news of our limits and I think that was a harder one to wrap my head around. I really don’t like how having a child has exposed my limits. But I think my limits are good. They call me to slow down, to rely on others and realize I’m not God. Our limits being good is something I’m working on getting my head around. I pray the Lord shows you how your limits are good. You can’t be everywhere at once and God doesn’t expect you to be. He expects you to be interdependent on him and his people, not independent. 

My parents came to Denton!

Drew got to preach on the cross at Denton North Church

Be praying for our fundraising, we’re still far from our goal but are trusting God to supply what we need. Be praying for Eli as he starts daycare in less than two weeks. Be praying for our returning students as they prepare for the upcoming year. Pray for the students on campus who don’t know Jesus to have open hearts to him.

Small group I lead over lead summer at our house!


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