Staff Retreat and First Few Days!

All of the New Apprentices, in the middle of our orientation on Wednesday
Goodness! This month is finally here! After many thoughts, prayers and tears, we finally made it to August. Above you can find a picture of the new apprentices this year. I'll save you the effort of counting, yes there are 12 of us. If that's not biblical imagery, I don't know what is. We started off our first day on Wednesday with the orientation to get us acquainted with our schedule and give us a general idea of what we were getting into. We finished our orientation and headed to join the rest of the staff at a beautiful cabin/mansion about an hour North of Garland.
The beautiful property that we got to stay at for Staff Retreat
It was a little overwhelming with all of the staff here, but overall it really was a fun time and it is a nice jumpstart for the friendships that I'll make in my time as an apprentice. There were lots of board games and great food and at any time you could hear someone laughing. It was a nice reprieve to the chaos that this summer has been for me (wedding planning and fundraising and moving etc).

We ended Friday night with encouragements for the new apprentices and that was really special to me. It's easy for me to doubt why I am doing what I am doing, so a reminder that I am wanted was exactly what I needed at the time. I am so glad to be a part of a staff who loves and encourages each other well. Unfortunately, I wasn't there for the last half day on Saturday and had to leave Friday night. I was a bridesmaid in one of my best friends wedding and I had to arrive dressed and ready for it. You can see a picture below of me and my husband and then further down you can see a picture of us with the couple. I got to know Kelse through FOCUS and it is so crazy and amazing that I had the privilege of getting to know her three years back and now got the chance to be a part of her wedding. I hope that the student's we encounter this year get to experience a life-giving, God-centered community too! Things are picking up and I can't wait to get to meet all these people! If you could pray that God prepares the hearts of those that we will interact with this next year, that would be great!

Me and Drew enjoying ourselves at Cort and Kelse's wedding!

With the newly married couple


  1. Hey Darby! Great to hear about the start of your apprenticeship. Thanks for sharing about Kelse, too! It's such a neat reminder of the impact we can have on each other's lives through campus ministry. When we do this job well, we get to make both disciples and lifelong friends :)
    Love you Darby!


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